Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sharpton & Hitchens

Date: May 16, 2007 for May 17th
Time: 22:00
Place: Swankadero of the Future

Sharpton made a funny yesterday( while debating Chris Hitchens of "God Is Not Great" fame over the place of faith or somesuch crap. Anyway, Hitchens brought up that Mormons (religion of GOP candidate and fan of "Battlefield Earth" Mitt Romney) officially considered black people subhuman until about 1965. In the clip above, Sharpton says words to the effect of "as to the candidate being a Mormon, people who really believe in God will defeat him". The implication is that Mormons don't really believe in God, which is actually a widely held view among many Christians. Smith's revelations are heretical in the eyes of most Christian sects.

Anyway, this is pretty funny. After Sharpton's braying over the Imus affair, the next 3 weeks of O'Reilly, Hannity, and Glenn Beck are going to pretty much write themselves. To me though, the one truly interesting point is this odd couple of Hitchens and Sharpton. Each has lost almost all credibility for insisting on supporting particular causes centered on persons now known to be either extraordinarily deluded or dishonest. They carry the respective albatrosses of Wolfowitz and Brawley.

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