Monday, May 14, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

Date: May 14, 2007
Time: 22:00
Place: Top-o-the-40

I felt the old left shoulder was finally limber enough to steer the bike, so this Saturday I took a trial commute to the office. It's only two miles away through pretty flat territory, especially when one takes the elevator to the Welfare Island Bridge. These beautiful spring days are the best time of year to ride, warm enough to not need a jacket yet cool enough to not work up a sweat. This morning was my first real commute by bike since the shoulder surgery.

It is actually faster to get to work by bike than car, since by the time one negotiates the various parking structures and stop lights, any velocity advantage is lost. I'm on the bike as soon as I'm out the door of my apartment building, and I chain it up right next to the door of the office building. It takes less than 15 minutes door-to-desk, whereas driving takes a little over 20.

I also feel like I'm getting away with something, in addition to all the environmental and exercise benefits. The car is convenient, but the lot costs over 10 bucks. The bus is only 4 bucks, but they usually conspire to leave me standing around for at least a half an hour. As long as it doesn't rain, the bike is the way to go.

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