Friday, April 20, 2007

We've nothing to fear but roaring asswipes

Date: Still April 19th in Albuquerque
Time: 22:46 ditto
Place: Not Albuquerque

The discussion topic for an on-line history course I am taking is terrorism, and the presumption that they have goals. One glaring exception to this rule is Timothy McVeigh. If there was any motive, itwas an obtuse attempt at revenge for Waco and Ruby Ridge. It's not clear that he was part of any large organization, he and his friends were just ticked off.

The scary part about modern weaponry and population density is that there is a whole lot more damage one can do without all that much sophistication. This last event at Virginia Tech was an example. Large ammunition clips and large groups of people to empty them at. Also scary is the prevalence of mass media. Apparently, this guy was largely incoherent but the one end he did have in mind was to have his video all over TV. He succeeded. We are all in deep trouble if many people share his pathetically modest goal to feed the beast of cable news for a week.

Drama queens are now our most serious terror threat.

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