Saturday, April 28, 2007

This PBS series better end with a devouring

Date: April 28, 2007
Time: 21:36
Place: Welfare Island Swankadero

By PBS, I mean Pearls Before Swine, a comic strip I recommended in this space a few days back. The current story arc has the son of the idiot crocs in love with the niece of the zebra over his parents objections. It's starting to look downright treacly and damn it, it better stop. The only way to redeem it is for Junior to discover his inner predator, preferably at some comedically rich time.

It's bad enough Battle Star Galactica went down the toilet at the end. The only interest generated by the "cliffhanger" ending is morbid interest, in how are they going to cobble a season's worth of shows behind the muddled mess of story lines. Maybe those four clowns who just discovered they were Cylons by humming "All Along The Watchtower" will upgrade the act to use wax-paper/comb kazoos. It used to improve the Bullwinkle episodes.

My favorite cliff hanger ending was the Dirty Harry spoof "Sledge Hammer". He's supposedly disarming a nuclear bomb ("Trust me, I know what I'm doing.") and it apparently goes off. The next year, they reveal it did go off. They then start playing the theme music, and right after the Sledge Hammer title goes up, they stick "The Early Years" right under it.

I don't know if that will help BSG. Maybe they can have Mary McConnell's character wake up and say "It was all a dream, all just a terrible dream".

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