Thursday, April 5, 2007

I must be physic!

Date: Apr 06, 2007
Time: 22:50
Place: In the wolf-zone

Something made me write that "Dumbo's Ears" post a few days ago. I've certainly never forgotten Wolfowitz, he even stands out among this administration for brazen incompetence and stupidity, and that takes some doing. I heard about this today. Apparently, as head of the World Bank, Paul has managed to bump his girlfriend's salary up past the 200K mark, which is a very high number for such positions.

My personal take on this is that he realized that his trumped-up war will not kill as many people as Robert McNamara's did. The competive juices probably started flowing thick enough to moisten 200,000 combs (ref: Farenheit 911) . He had to do something conspicuously worse than McNamara at the WB, having failed to worst him at the Department of Defense. This seems pretty tepid though. Unless you know (alert Dan Brown) --> the code <--. When the large bank I work for had some sloppy cases of managers dating underlings, we all went to training about what was legal in this area. The class was called "Respect At Work" thus the acronym RAW. As anyone who watches pro wrestling on cable knows, RAW is WAR, or at least if you spell it backwards. So Wolfowitz has finally trumped McNamara at disastrous war! It may seem a contrived stretch, but remember, this is the moron who said the occupation of Iraq was going o be like the occupation of France after WWII.

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