Saturday, April 14, 2007

More Wolf-man Howlers

Date: Holy sh*t, where's my W-2?
Time: 10:00
Place: Amidst the rubble that is my desk top

Ray Handley took the defending Superbowl champion New York Giants and turned them into an 8-8 team. He was absolutely terrible at his job. If the Giants were up by two touchdowns or less at half-time, it seemed they always managed to lose the game. He seemed incapable of adapting in mid-game. The players were largly the same ones that won the Superowl and so were many of the coaches with a few notable exceptions. At he end of his tenure, Ray Handley had the decency to bow out gracefully. I'm sure he could have gotten a second-tier college job to balm his ego, but no. I think I heard that he coached at a local high school, but he stayed off the national stage.

Speaking of "absolutely terrible at his job", but that Paul Wolfowitz had the grace of Ray Handley. The scandal of him raising his girl friend's "World Bank" salary to dizzying heights turned even uglier this week.
Paul now allows that he was perhaps unwisely directly involved in the "negotiations" and apologized, as the assembled WB workers booed and yelled "Resign!".

Since the World Bank is paid for by government donations, the next time the Faux News and talk radio blowhards cry about the money-wasting UN, tell them to start trying to get some money back from their intellectual mentor, old Dr. Spittlecomb.

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