Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Failed a test

Date: April 18th, 2007
Time: 20:50
Place: Not imprisoned in a volcano on Venus

I haven't seen the Weekly World News in the supermarket for a while, so I went looking online. "On line" as opposed to "in line" as "in the supermarket checkout line", for I am a man who dearly loves his pun of the day. The first one I ever bought was "Siamese Twins Face Firing Squad", back at some point in 1987.

One of the links that came up for the home of Batboy and Ed Anger was this which was listed as Scientology vs. The Weekly World News. It consists of a quiz where you are given a quote and you are supposed to decide if it comes from one of L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology cosmology or the Weekly World News ("Couple Chased From Yellowstone by Talking Bear").

I made a sincere effort (and I've read both "Dianetics" and "Ed Anger's My America") and scored 53.3 percent. That Hoi Polloi stuff, who knew? Now that I gave you all that hint, don't come over all snooty on me just because you scored 65+.

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