Saturday, April 7, 2007

If Libertarians hate him, he can't be all bad

Date: April 8, 2007
Time: 22:22
Place: In my apartment with the heat cranked up and not happy about it

I'm fending off a bit of a head cold. Roosevelt Island was where they quarantined Typhoid Mary and apparently some woman on the tram last week was doing one of those "historical reenactments". She sat there next to me hacking away. So I did damn little today other than walk down to our "Starbucks", watch TV, sneeze off about 25% of a box of Kleenex, and surf the web.

I've always been amazed at the demented, reactionary hatred of Al Gore. The press coverage of him in 2000 was too loony to be believed and it was also largely in the "liberal" press. Read the Daily Howler website for the "War on Gore" articles. I was over at the Rodney Anonymous Tells You How to Live (the former lead singer of the Dead Milkmen if you haven't been paying attention) arguing with a bunch of Nader supporters how, yes, it IS Nader's fault that Bush is President. Gore lost Florida by less than 600 votes, Nader got 97,000, the lowest estimate is that Gore would have gotten 12,000 of those votes.

Most of these people identify themselves as Libertarians. How loony and pathological is the hatred of Gore? The allegedly environmentalist Green Party would aggressively spurn him in favor of a consumer advocate with slim environmental credentials; and Libertarians, who profess to eschew government regulations, would vote for a consumer advocate lawyer from the environmentalist party.

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