Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Date: Morning after Tax Day
Time: 07:45
Place: Welfare Island Swankadero

I hammered out the old Turbo Tax last night. The amount I owed was bad but not as bad as I thought, and there is always the comforting thought that you had to have income to be taxed on it (usually). I couldn't find my1099 so I had to add up figures off bank statements. The one brokerage statement I could not find was the one where I bought some stocks that I had to sell at a near total loss, so I had to low ball it a bit.

Then agan, to quote William F Buckley in a debate about taxation and the defnese budget, "to paraphrase Patrick Henry, the price of Liberty is not cheap!" I saw him say that on Firing Line, and a few months later it came out that he had paid no taxes on income received from his syndicated column. He claimed it was something like "sweat equty" from his editorship of the National Review. He "settled with the government".

He is one of our most prominent libertarians.

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