Thursday, March 15, 2007


Date: March 15, 2007
Time: 10:06
Place: Welfare Island Swankadero

This is the first in a series of daily posts for Professor Kinsley's SPCH275 class at DeVry-LIC.

In it I shall attempt to share 10 minutes (writing time) of enlightenment, humor, uplift, and perhaps some insightful self-revelations.

Allow me to start with the title of this blog, Good Thinking Al. This comes from an episode of "Bewitched" that I must have seen over 30 years ago. Some colleague of Darren's (named Al apparently) was boasting that this was his nickname at work, because they were always exclaiming "Good thinking, Al". Thus (in way of disclosure, my name is Al as well, I had not stated so explicitly) this phrase stuck in my brain. I dust it off and bring it out every now and then when I come up with a flash or flicker of brilliance.

My ISP RoadRunner has been having trouble coming up with 10 minutes of continous service, so I'm almost at the threshold of borrowed time now. Perhaps in the future I will cheat a bit, and first type these pearls up in Word using the local spelling and grammar check to appear more polished.

I do intent to stick to the 10 minutes though.

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