Friday, March 30, 2007

Date: Mar 30, 2007
Time: 10:13
Place: Mine

Bill O'Reilly is boldly standing up to pedophiles and their advocates in the liberal media! This is comedy at its basic cable best. As the Iraq body count mounts, the real estate bubble collapses, and the imprint of Alberto Gonzales' strong pimp hand on those eight fired US attorneys gets clearer with every witness that goes before congress, what is there left for for the Faux News channel to broadcast? Who can a "Bushie" look down on these days? Well, at least none of them got caught molesting children (yet), regardless of how much Bill O. might have thought that the kids would have enjoyed it like that kid in Missouri.

As I flip past Faux News these days, which is just north of Comedy Central on the my cable network, I often see Bill now declaiming his ardor against child molesters. Perhaps the sentiment leached over from Steven Colbert's "Kittens in a wood chipper, I'm against it" debate. I'm reminded of a quote from Arlo Guthrie's line about how "all folk musicians steal from each other. We used to call it stealing too until Pete Seeger came along and renamed it the folk process". Unfortunately for Bill though, Colbert's has exceeded his performance art. The envelope has been pushed beyond his limited skills and he is stuck playing old standards to his state fair base.

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