Sunday, March 25, 2007

Freedom and the Fred-ster

Date: March 25, 2007
Time: 09:35
Place: Welfare Island Swankadero

Huzzah and great cheers. I'm mostly out of the immobolization sling now! The doctor wants me to wear it when I'm travelling and there is a chance my arm might get jostled, but this is a small inconvenience. I don't have to sleep with it anymore (is there a country-western song in this?) nor do I have to contort my body so I can get my left hand into the necessary proximity to the keyboard.

I drove my car around a bit yesterday. Since my left arm only has a few degrees of motion, I had to contrive a way to get the access pass out the driver-side window so I can get in and out of the garage. I eventually improvised a solution using a rubber band and an old putter. My right side front tire was flat after a month off. I tried filling it but I think the air machine was not adequately powerful.

Speaking of putters, Tiger Woods may have won the tournament today, but he stunk up the greens at Doral. He better not bring that game to Augusta in two weeks, or everybody is going to speculate about what's wrong with him again.

Of course, that's just one less guy for Fred Couples to defeat. Go, Fred!

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