Saturday, March 31, 2007

He's a Libertarian now

Date: April 1, 2007
Time: 21:30
Place: Straight outta Roosevelt Island

I found this on the web and hope it makes it in to the soundtrack of the next movie in which Ice Cube plays a role that might as well have be filled by Cedric the Entertainer.

Ice Cube's metamorphosis is no less amazing than that of Christopher Hitchens, literary critic of the Atlantic, unapologetic Trotskyite, former columnist for the Nation, and current Iraq War supporter. I think Bill Clinton pushed him over the edge. Clinton tried to plant the "Monica as stalker" story on him. In response, he wrote a very entertaining short book called "Nobody Left To Lie To" which contained one of my favorite paragraphs that starts something like "The vacuous language of uplift and therapy combined with the tawdry pieties of Baptist and Methodist hypcrisy cling to both Clintons like b.o." He opines that the Clintons have betrayed the liberal cause with their triangulations, left wing words and right wing policies. Not a word from either could be believed.

Unfortunately, he seemed to believe everything from the current administration and now finds himself somewhat homeless. Worse, he's helped promulgate the howlers like a White House appointed NASA press agent. He's pimped the stories of the one-legged Zarqawi and has even ferreted out that a Iraqi diplomat visiting Niger had once been part of the bomb project. (note: the WMD argument was always b.s. A uranium centrifuge facility is about a mile long and can't be missed) He also keeps playing the violin for the Kurds, who even while Saddam was gassing them managed to fight a civil war among each other. He also accepted uncritically the prognostications of Paul Wolfowitz, who appears to have locked up the "dumbest things said in the 21st century" award by 2003.

The last shreds of his credibility lay clotted in the filter of Bill Kristol's hot tub.

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