Monday, March 26, 2007

BSG halfway over shark tank

Date: March 26th, 2007
Time: 21:22
Place: Welfare Island Silverfish Hatchery

The greatest literary achievement of the 21st century will be if the writers of Battlestar Galactica can salvage anything less than horribly lame from last night's cliff hanger ending. The writing started to wobble badly this year, with the Starbuck/Apollo soap opera, culminating in the "boxing ring" episode that had Fonzi's bike halfway up the ramp over the shark tank. It was followed by a great episode about the hyper-radioactive nebula that retrieved the show's visceral grimness with ships being lost and vomitting pilots dying of radiation sickness.

During the last two or three episodes, a few of the crew members started hearing a strange song coming from the walls. Toward the end of the show, in completely different parts of the ship, one says "There must be some kind of way out of here", the next says "said the joker to the thief", the third "there's too much confusion", the fourth said "oooo, foxy lady!", no just kidding, she said "I can't get no relief". In a nod to the better written shows, she vomits. They then all run to the same room, start humming "All Along the Watchtower", and for some reason decide that they're Cylons. Thankfully, they stopped short of having the one-eyed alkie colonel start jamming away on air guitar.

Of course, Starbuck pops back to life after pretty convincingly exploding in a previous episode.

Usually, the best BSG episodes ended with forbodings of doom hanging over the human characters in the next episode, but this episode foretells crap awaiting the audience in the next season.

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